Documenting Our Living Heritage

What is a tree worth to you?
As caretakers of the land at Rainforest Healing Center, we’ve embarked on an effort to document the trees on our property for conservation, sustainable use and harvesting, and for propagating their species on the land and elsewhere.
Recently we received a useful document detailing native and local tree species in the Peruvian Amazon. Seeking to restore and rehabilitate cleared lands from previous owners, we asked Pedro, our shaman and center foreman to help identify which species currently exist. Pedro has a lifetime of living in the jungle, amongst its tower trees and powerful vibrations, and also has training from a school in Iquitos for identifying plant species. Armed with this information, Omar and Pedro walked the RHC property identifying and documenting which species currently exist on the farm.
In addition to our Replanting Ayahuasca Project, we’ll be mapping and marking these trees for conservation and replanting efforts, both on the farm and for other surrounding communities to help reintroduce lost species and help reclaim the forest that is quickly being dismantled all around Iquitos, Nauta and beyond.
Trees are extremely important to the ecosystem of the Amazon. They help seed rain clouds with their heavy evapotranspiration. They retain water, protect the clay soils from direct exposure to desiccating solar rays, and provide immense shelter and habitat for the millions of creatures and understory plants that depend on them.
We’ll post more as our Replant Ayahuasca Project efforts continue and advance. We’re in the process of replanting pioneer species of leguminous trees and fruit trees near our newly constructed kitchen and communal space. Can’t wait to share those photos as they come in from the field!
Existing Trees at Rainforest Healing Center
Scientific Name | Local name | Trade Name |
Acacia sp | Vilco | |
Amburana cearensis | Ishpingo | Ishpingo |
Anacardium occidentale | Casho | Cashew |
Aniba panurensis | Moena alcanfor | |
Aniba sp | Moena | Rosewood |
Anona sp | Anonilla | |
Apeiba membranacea | Peine de mono | Monkey Comb |
Apuleia leiocarpa | Ana caspi | |
Apuleia mollaris. | Ana caspi | |
Aspidosperma macrocarpon | Pumaquiro | Peruvian Maple |
Aspidosperma sp | Quillobordon | Peruvian Yellow Cherry |
Brosimum alicastrum | Manchinga | |
Brosimum lactescens | Manchinga | |
Brosimum parinarioides | Caucho masha | |
Brosimum uleanum | Manchinga | |
Bursera graveolens | Palo santo | Holy Wood |
Calophyllum brasiliense | Lagarto caspi | Jacareuba |
Calycophyllum spruceanum | Capirona | Peruvian Clear Maple |
Capparis angulata | Sapote | |
Cariniana estrellensis | Papelillo | |
Caryocar coccineum | Almendro | |
Castilla ulei | Goma | |
Cecropia sp | Cetico | Trumpet Wood |
Cedrela dugesii | Nogalillo | |
Cedrela odorata | Cedro | Spanish Cedar |
Cedrelinga catenaeformis | Tornillo | Cedro-Rana |
Ceiba pentandra | Huimba | Kapok |
Ceiba sp | Huimba | |
Ceiba sp | Kcapo | |
Ceiba sp | Lana vegetal | |
Cinnamomun camphora | Pepa de alcanfor | |
Cinnamomun camphora | Alcanfor | |
Clarisia racemosa | Mashonaste | Aji |
Copaifera officinalis | Copaiba | Copaiba |
Copaifera reticulata | Copaiba | Copaiba |
Copaifera sp | Copaiba | Copaiba |
Cordia alliodora | Laurel | Laurel |
Couma macrocarpa | Leche caspi | Cow tree |
Couma sp | Manzano | |
Coumarouna micrantha | Shihuahuaco | |
Coumarouna odorata | Shihuahuaco | |
Couratari guianensis | Misa | Tauary |
Couratari macrosperma | Cachimbo | Cachimbo |
Couratari spp | Tauari | |
Chinchona sp | Cascarilla | |
Chorisia integrifolia | Lupuna | |
Chorisia sp | Lupuna | |
Chrysophyllum sp | Caimito | Star-Apple |
Dacryodes olivifera | Copal | |
Dialium guianense | Palisangre | |
Diplotropis sp | Chontaquiro | |
Dipterex alata | Shihuahuaco | Cumaru |
Dipterys ssp | Shihuahuaco | Cumaru |
Dipteryx odorata | Charapilla | Tonka |
Dipteryx micrantha | Shihuahuaco | Brazilian Teak |
Eritrina edulis | Pisonay | |
Erythroxylum catuaba | Catuaba | |
Eschweilera coriacea | Misa | |
Ficus antihelmintica | Oje | |
Ficus guianensis | Renaco | |
Ficus insipida | Oje | |
Ficus killipii | Matapalo | Strangler Fig |
Ficus paraensis | Renaco | |
Ficus schultesii | Oje renaco | |
Ficus schultesii | dugand | |
Ficus sp | Oje | |
Gallesia integrifolia | Ajo ajo | |
Grabowskia boerhaaviaefolia | Palo negro | |
Guarea guidonia | Requia | American Muskwood |
Guarea trichiloides | Requia | American Muskwood |
Guazuma crinita | Bolaina blanca | |
Hevea brasiliensis | Shiringa, Jebe | Rubbertree |
Huberodendron swietenoides | Achihua | |
Hura crepitans | Catahua | Possumwood |
Hyeronima alchorneoides | Palo sangre | Suradan |
Hymenaea courbaril | Azucar huayo | Jatoba |
Hymenaea oblongifolia | Yutubanco | |
Hymenaea palustris | Azucar huayo | Jatoba |
Hymenaea rediculata | Azucar huayo | Jatoba |
Hymenaea spp | Azucar huayo | Jatoba |
Inga altissima | Pacay shimbillo | |
Inga marginata | Pacae blanco | |
Inga sp | Shimbillo | |
Jacaranda copaia | Achihua | Copaia |
Jacaranda sp | Huamansamana | |
Juglans nigra | Nogal | Peruvian Black Walnut |
Juglans sp | Nogal | Peruvian Walnut |
Licania sp | Parinari | Caraipe |
Lureceae sp. | Palta moena | |
Macoubea guianensis | Loro micuna | |
Macrolobium sp | Pashaco blanco | |
Manilkara bidentata | Quinilla | Peruvian Cherry |
Capparis angulata | Sapote | |
Matisia cordata | Sapote | |
Matisia sp | Sapote | |
Mezilaurus itauba | Itahuba | |
Mezilaurus sp | Itahuba | |
Minquartia guianensis | Huacapú | |
Myroxylon balsamun | Estoraque | Santos Mahogany |
Myroxylon sp | Palo Peruano | Balsamo |
Nectandra rediculata | Laurel | Canelo |
Nectandra sp | Moena | |
Ocotea costulata | Alcanfor | Canfor |
Ocotea jelskii | Ishpinguillo | |
Ocotea marmellensis | Moena negra | |
Ocotea sp | Moena | |
Ochroma lagopus | Topa | Balsa |
Ochroma pyramidale | Topa | Balsawood |
Ormosia amazonica | Huayruro | |
Ormosia sp | Huayruro | |
Ormosia sunkei | Huayruro | |
Paramacherum ormosoide | Aguano masha | |
Parkia igneiflora | Pashaco | |
Pithecelobium sp | Pashaco colorado | |
Pithecellobium sp | Vilco | Raintree (?) |
Plyrciantes sp | Unca | |
Podocarpus sp | Romerillo | Podocarpus |
Por identificar 105 | Chalanqui | |
Por identificar 109 | Rapincho | |
Por identificar 110 | Cuchicara | |
Por identificar 111 | Lucma | |
Por identificar 12 | Pona | Palm |
Por identificar 7 | Aleton | |
Pourouma cecropiaefolia | Uvilla | |
Pouteria caimito | Sacha Caimito | |
Pouteria neglecta | Caimito | |
Pouteria reticulata | Caimitillo | |
Pouteria sp | Quina quina | |
Protium aracouchini | Isica | |
Protium carana | Caraña | |
Trattinickia peruviana | Caraña | |
Protium sp | Copal, Incienzo | Insense Copal |
Pseudolmedia laevigata | Capinuri | |
Clarisia biflora | Clarisia biflora | |
Pseudolmedia laevis | Chimicua colorada | |
Quararibea cordata | Sapote | |
Schizolobium amazonicum | Pino chuncho | |
Schizolobium parahybum | Pashaco | |
Schizolobium sp | Pashaco | |
Schweilera coracea | Michicallo | |
Sickingia tinctorea | Guacamayo caspi | |
Spondias mombin | Ubos | Hog Plum |
Swietenia macrophylla | Caoba | Honduras Mahogany |
Swietenia sp | Caoba | Mahogany |
Tabebuia impetiginosa | Tahuari | Ipe |
Tabebuia incana | Tahuari | Ipe |
Tabebuia rosea | Tahuari | Ipe |
Tabebuia serratifolia | Tahuari | Ipe |
Tabebuia sp | Tahuari | Ipe |
Terminalia oblonga | Yacushapana | |
Toyonita sp | Lucuma | |
Trattinickia glaziovii |