Kambo Practitioner Training

Receiving training and experiencing holding space for and administering this potent medicine

What is Kambo Practitioner Training?

kambo practitioner ceremony training

Learn to Partner with Kambo

Kambo (aka Cambo, Sapo) is a sacred and revered medicine of the Matsés people and other indigenous peoples of the Amazon rainforest. Their traditional use of Kambo ranged from pre-hunt preparation spiritual and cleansing tool; to rights of passage and initiations; to healing medicine ally.

Today we are grateful for joining the thousands years of sacred practice of partnering with this potent medicine (despite many years of attempts to eradicate indigenous peoples’ practices such as these), and providing in depth, professional training.


About Our Kambo Practitioner Training

Safely working with Kambo—alone or administering it—requires proper and professional training. As stewards of this ancient practice of healing, we see it as our responsibility to train practitioners and solo users so that complications or issues are kept to a minimum.

We offer a variety of experiences to work with Kambo.

For those wanting to become a Certified Kambo Practitioner (CKP) with no prior Kambo experience, we recommend our Kambo Initiation Training Program.

For CKP or other Kambo practitioners looking to deepen their knowledge and skills administering Kambo, we have our Advanced Kambo Practitioner Training

Cristina and kambo frog apprenticeship

Kambo Practitioner Training Programs

applying kambo medicine

Training Details

  • TRAINING DATES: See below or contact us,
  • SKILLS GAINED: Certified Kambo Practitioner*
  • DURATION: 8 days min. – 10 days max.
  • CEREMONIES: You will have the opportunity to sit with the medicine no less than 10 times (this alone is an $2,200 value).
  • INCLUDED: All Medicine for the course, Mapachos, Agua de Florida, One-on-ones with the Instructor.
  • POST COURSE 8 WEEK MENTORSHIP PROGRAM INCLUDED: Designed to support your Kambo Practitioner-ship on all levels, from self-doesing, serving the medicine to clients, branding, and promoting yourself in integrity.
  • INVITATION TO MONTHLY TOWN HALLS: This is a place where you will be able to meet up with other Kambo Practitioners, learn what they are doing, and discuss and learn the ever changing world of Kambo with the Master Kambo  Instructor’s as well.
  • PRACTITIONER HOTLINE: Access to support when a practitioner is in dire need.
  • COST: $4,444.00 (Includes lodging -does not include transportation).

Upcoming Dates for 2024

  • JANUARY 18th – JANUARY 25th
    Salt Lake City, UT, USA:
    Done!! Congratulations to Lacey, Patrick, Noreen, Mitzy, and Gaby!!
  • MARCH 1st – MARCH 8th, Tulum, Mexico: Congratulations to the new CKPI students!
  • SEPTEMBER 6th – SEPTEMBER 13th, Providence, R.I., USA: Done!! Congratulations to Ingrid, Chelsea, Danille, and Nicole!!

Upcoming Dates for 2025

  • January 10th – January 17th, Providence, R.I., USA:  Arrival  Nov 9th (4 out of 8 spots available)
  • March 7th – March 14th, Salt Lake City, UT., USA:  Arrival  March 6th (6 out of 8 spots available)
  • April 4th – April 11th, Miami, FL, USA:  Arrival  April 3rd (7 out of 8 spots available)
  • June 13th – June 20th, Lisbon, Portugal:  Arrival June 12th (8 out of 8 spots available)
  • September 12th – September 19th, Dublin, Ireland:  Arrival  Sept. 11th (8 out of 8 spots available)
  • November 7th – November 14th, Los Angles CA, USA:  Arrival  Nov. 6th (8 out of 8 spots available)



We only accept 8 candidates per course! 

More trainings are coming soon, please inquire about a course near you 😉 

Initiation: Kambo Practitioner Training

Our foundational Kambo Practitioner Training: Initiation teaches the fundamentals for administering Kambo on clients.

The course begins with 8-10 hours of theory where you learn the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of Kambo.

Following the classroom training, we then move on to 100 hours of practical training where you learn the art of self-applying (aka ‘mini dosing’), giving support as a Kambo Practitioner Assistant, and then move on to administering Kambo on actual patients under the supervision of a Certified Kambo Practitioner (CKP) Instructor or CPK Instructor Trainee.

The practical training phase is rigorous and holistic in working with this sacred medicine. You will undergo the initiation process to develop a profound understanding of the “healing trinity.” This is the magic of this sacred medicine, as it has the ability to cleanse, heal, and flourish the physical, emotional, and spiritual beings within us.

Our Initiation training will provide graduates with the knowledge, skills, and experience to confidently apply Kambo medicine to patients.

practitioner harvesting kambo medicine

Successful Graduates Will Receive*

  1. Certified Kambo Practitioner International (CPKI) certification from us
  2. Listing on our website and/or Kambo Hub as a qualified Kambo practitioner (if requirements are met and approved)
  3. Invitation to return as a “guest” practitioner at Rainforest Healing Center, or as an assistant in a future training course.
  4. Regular access to Kambo medicine harvested by the Matsés (via mail order from us)

* Please note that payment will not guarantee graduation from this program. To graduate from the Kambo training, participants will have to pass a demonstration of safety, competence, and understanding of Kambo application, per the trainer's satisfaction.

kambo practitioner training in progress

Want to schedule and help host a training near you?

We are always excited to work with passionate people to help bring this medicine to their community.

We require a minimum of 4 participants to run a training, and if you are interested please email us below!

practitioner harvesting kambo medicine

Training Details

  • TRAINING DATES: See below or contact us
  • SKILLS GAINED: Advanced Certified Kambo Practitioner*
  • DURATION: 8 days min. – 10 days max.
  • CEREMONIES: You will have the opportunity to sit with the medicine no less than 12 times
  • INCLUDED: All Food and Lodging. All Medicine for the course, Mapachos, Agua de Florida. Master Plant Dieta of Aja Sacha. Ceremonial dose from a native Matsé.  One-on-ones with the Instructor
  • COST: $4,444 (Includes lodging, food, and transportation to and from Iquitos)
  • PREREQUISITE Must be an Intermediate Practitioner or be able to demonstrate proof of 25 completed ceremonies, and one pro bono ceremony. The Advanced Practitioner Course is a prerequisite for Master Kambo Practitioner Training (see below)

Upcoming Training Dates


  • JULY 25th – AUGUST 1st 2024
    Iquitos, Amazon, PERU: Held at Shaman Flora/Rainforest Healing Center (4 Spots left). You must be in Lima by July 24th and can depart home on August 2nd.

Advanced: Kambo Practitioner Training

The Advanced Kambo Practitioner Training is for those with little to no experience applying Kambo. It includes and builds upon all the knowledge and practice from the Initiation training.

The Advanced training will provide you the knowledge, skills, and experience to confidently apply Kambo medicine to patients.

kambo training

Successful Graduates Will Receive*

  1. Advanced Certified Kambo Practitioner (A-CPK) certification from us
  2. Listing on our website and/or Kambo Hub as a qualified Kambo practitioner (if requirements are met and approved)
  3. Invitation to return as a “guest” practitioner at Rainforest Healing Center
  4. Starter Medicine Kit ($599 value)
  5. Regular access to Kambo medicine harvested by the Matsés (via mail order from us)

* Please note that payment will not guarantee graduation from this program. To graduate from the Kambo training, participants will have to pass a demonstration of safety, competence, and understanding of Kambo application, per the trainer's satisfaction.

What is Kambo?

Kambo (also known as Sapo locally to Peruvians) is the venom from Phyllomedusa bicolor, the Amazonian giant monkey tree frog. This medicine is well known around Peru and Brazil as the “vaccine of the forest.”

It is most easily understood as a detoxifying purgative, immune-boosting medicine, and a powerful treatment for chronic pain and drug dependency. You can read more about the Kambo ceremony here.

Honoring and Working with Kambo

Kambo treatments should only be received by skilled Kambo practitioners, fully trained in the Amazon by initiated elders.

There are many Westernized training and certification programs arising today claiming to train Kambo practitioners in some official capacity, though it should be noted that there is no standardized certification for such trainings.

Further, many of these training do not include handling the frog, the ritual venom extraction, or include any indigenous history regarding the Kambo medicine.

In order to truly understand Kambo medicine, one must be initiated through the indigenous tradition of Kambo application (which includes catching and extracting the venom from the frog itself!). This can only be done by being trained in the Amazon, by an initiated trainer, or the indigenous elders themselves.

kambo medicine training

Training Details

  • TRAINING DATES: See below or contact us
  • SKILLS GAINED: Master Certified Kambo Practitioner*
  • DURATION: 14 days
  • CEREMONIES: You will have the opportunity to sit with the medicine no less than 8 times
  • INCLUDED: All Medicine for the course, Mapachos, Agua de Florida, One-on-ones with the Instructor
  • COST: $5,555 (Includes lodging, food, military airplane rental, boat ride, and transportation to Iquitos) We also give 30% of the profit to the matsés.
  • PREREQUISITE Successful completion of Master Kambo Practitioner Training required for participation (see above)

Upcoming Training Dates

  • JULY 2022
    Iquitos, Amazon, PERU: Held at Rainforest Healing Center and Matsés Community
  • AUGUST 2022
    Iquitos, Amazon, PERU: Held at Rainforest Healing Center and Matsés Community


Master: Kambo Practitioner Training

This training is an immersive training experience for those who have completed the Advanced Kambo Practitioner program.

You will be visiting the Matsés People in their own community and learning from them their application of Kambo and other traditional medicines.

This master training allows for a deeper knowledge and confidence in applying the medicine, and spiritual connection with Kambo.

In order to participate in this training, graduation from our Advanced Kambo Practitioner program is required.

kambo practitioner training

* Please note that payment will not guarantee graduation from this program. To graduate from the Kambo training, participants will have to pass a demonstration of safety, competence, and understanding of Kambo application, per the trainer's satisfaction.

Practitioner Training Testimonials

Why Train With Us?

Let’s be realistic, Kambo has been spreading like wildfire.

While it won’t be that everyone and their sister is a Kambo Practitioner, popular culture will inevitably become more aware of—and attracted to—this medicine just like ayahuasca and other once-mysterious entheogens.

People and fly-by-night organizations are setting up Kambo practitioner training courses like popup restaurants and discerning who to learn from is something that we don’t take lightly.

This new interest has many positives and negatives.  It is always beautiful when anything Amazonian is brought to the mainstream collective.  From gold, to rubber, to healing medicine—Humankind does not have the best track record when it comes to sustainably stewarding these gifts of Earth and Indigenous Culture.

When our instructors came out of the Jungle to reintegrate, they found that a lot of Kambo being served worldwide was being administered with little to no regard to the honor of the legacy and tradition of Kambo.

We believe this, among some other factors, is limiting Kambo’s effectiveness and, in fact, creating unsafe practices.  The healing potential of Kambo is far greater than we currently understand, and that potential only begins to unlock when administered in the traditional way.

Rather than reacting out of fear, we decided that if the wildfire of Kambo is going to spread, at least we can help spread it with tradition, honor, respect, and safety. It’s our intention and commitment to continue honoring the frog, the cultures that have partnered with it, and the ecosystem in which they both thrive.

Our History with Kambo

We have been working with Kambo since 2011. Before, it was a catchphrase, a pop-culture fad, or before it was a ‘cool’ thing to do or add to they psychonauts belt.

We were privileged enough to work with an Elder Matsés at our center in the Amazon in 2011.  Our instructors were able to live and study full-time in the Amazon jungle for many years.  Combined, they have a total of over 13 years of living in the Amazon.

During this time, they learned how important it is to keep the legacy and tradition of Kambo sacred.  They learned that Kambo’s Spirit is deep with the Matsés People because they have 1000’s of years of honoring the tradition passed through countless generations.

The Matses Elders have honored the frog, the Spirit, the Jungle, and themselves by honoring their sacred tradition.  Our instructors were able to connect to the ‘Kambo Spirit’ through the guidance of the elder Matsés and the essence of the jungle.  We lived with Source during this time, and She taught us how to live in unity and humility with Her.  We started administering Kambo in 2012 to all of our guests, seeing its potent healing power.

Working with Kambo Spirit

We have learned that as individual humans, we are nothing more than mediums holding space.  By casting aside “self,” we allow the frog to do its work.  If the Kambo Spirit has called you to us, then it’s meant to be. 

We are humble and do this out of love for the sacred frogs.  They allow us to be their ambassadors to the world. To help the world heal. It is the frogs and the Kambo Spirit that hold the healing power, not us.  Being an ambassador to something so much bigger than the individual means that every action we take is a reflection on Kambo.  This is why we require all students to have current CPR certification.

Protecting and Honoring the Frogs

As ambassadors of the Kambo Spirit, we began to ask some big questions.  With the ‘wild spread’ of this incredible medicine, who is making sure that it is sustainable?  Who is looking out for these guys, other than the Matsés?

There is an ever-increasing demand for this miraculous medicine in the western world, and we felt called to act in love.  That’s why we are the first to dedicate a Phyllomedusa bicolor sanctuary to study them and allow them to procreate.  We are beginning to work with biologists, scientists, and conservationists to ensure that we are not blindly pillaging or hurting this species. 

We harvest our medicine from the frogs in our reserve.  We can ensure that harvesting is done in a loving and sustainable way.  We can step into the role of a caretaker of these incredible beings, giving them a safe space to live, and also bring healing to the world.

Our trained and verified Certified Kambo Practitioners have direct access to this pure medicine, knowing that they are serving not only sustainable medicine but medicine that was harvested with integrity, love, and respect. Medicine that they themselves have a personal bond with.

Considering Other Kambo Training Programs?

You will probably be looking around at other training programs available.

We have some questions that can help be a guide to finding the right person to train under: 

  • Have they lived in the jungle for more than 365 consecutive days? 
  • Have they spent an extended amount of time with the Matsés?
  • Are they fluent or bilingual in Spanish or Portuguese? This is imperative to learn from the elders.
  • Where did the instructor receive their training, and by who? Did this person live in the Amazon and have a direct connection to the Matsés? 
  • How many people has the instructor trained? 
  • Do they teach in the traditional way, as the Matsés do? 
  • What is their emergency response training?
  • Why did they begin working with Kambo in the first place?
  • Why did they become a Kambo Practitioner?
  • Why are they now an instructor? 
  • Do they use water or saliva to mix the medicine?
  • What is their intention with training others?
  • Where do they get their medicine? Have they been to that source? Is it being harvested sustainably with minimum to no impact on the frogs? 

These are all paramount questions.  Each will give you insight into the training you would receive, and to the heart of whom you will receive this training from.  Becoming a Kambo Practitioner is about more than any title.  It is about carrying the Spirit of Kambo with you and within you.  It is about allowing the Spirit of Kambo to act through you.  We believe the only way one can begin to integrate with the Spirit of Kambo is by honoring its legacy. 

We Support Safe, Honest, and Passionate Kambo Healing Practitioners

We are passionate about Kambo. Passionate about the healing effects, passionate about the Spirit of Kambo, the frogs, and the Jungle. The reason we choose to remain traditional is because it resonates with us to the core. For us, there is nothing that compares to carrying this connection with roots that sink deep into Mother Earth.

We truly hope that you will one day be able to share this same Sacred Space with Kambo.

Kambo education through integrity, honoring tradition.

Testimonials from Our Student Practitioners

Kambo Changed the Course of My Life Forever

Sarah Ann – Los Angeles, CA – USA

I have been working with Kambo since 2016 and this sacred friend changed the course of my life forever.  I can attribute most of my healing and the ability to get through college without Adderall as a student in her mid-30’s because of Kambo.

From the first moment I received this medicine, my life redirected and reshaped itself in resonance with harmony, healing, and love. I feel deeply guided and protected by this medicine. And, from the first moment I received Kambo, I knew it was my path to eventually serve it.

I waited and listened for a long time for guidance, and, being a white woman, I wanted to be sure that I was chosen by the medicine and it wasn’t my ego wanting to feel the power of “healing” others.  Not to mention, I wanted to make sure that I was being trained in the most traditional way, with the most respect for the frog.

Fast forward to 2021, I finally was ready to serve and asked Kambo in a meditation about where to find a training and I heard clear as day, “google it.” Boom.  I did just that and Rainforest Healing Center popped up on my feed with a training 3 weeks away in my hometown of LA.  Wow.  So much magic.

I want to share that this training was one of the hardest and most rewarding things I have ever done.  All my buttons were pushed.  All of my anger came to the surface.  All of the ways that I hide from my discomfort. And it was truly one of the greatest gifts I have ever given myself.

Omar and his team were knowledgeable, present, and totally pushed me beyond my limitations.  Which is really important when serving a medicine that is so powerful.  Warrior Medicine.  I feel I received a sacred transmission from the jungle and learned in-depth how to serve safely and with integrity.

During my training, I realized that there are many people serving this medicine who are doing so in a way that true to its origins. I believe this has mostly to do with how they were trained. I feel deep gratitude for Omar and his team for the dedication, support, and high integrity with which they teach and serve Kambo. If you are ready to grow, heal yourself, and step into your power, then this is the training for you.

Kambo Helped Me Reclaim My Internal Power Through Love


Kambo is not an easy medicine. If you surrender to the suffering it entails, and open your heart to the experience, you heal. The connection between each student and Kambo was central in our week-long practitioner training.

Any human teacher who knows reality knows that they are simply serving the medicine — the true teacher — to work with people. The instructors at RHP understand this, and constantly remind us to see this as our central effort: to connect with the frog.

In what was honestly an exhausting experience of little sleep, little food, and massive emotional labor both for self and others, they pushed us past our limits into a space that demanded we stop hiding and walk in the reserves of inner strength we often hide even from ourselves. I watched and saw how they read each person’s strengths, our shortcomings, and responded to them wordlessly, leading us up to the door of that which we need to evolve and heal in ourselves.

It was a trial by fire that at first you may see as a mere boot camp, but that layer is just the means. The real fire is the all-consuming unconditional love you open up to as each day progresses. There is little show; things are focused on safety, groundedness, and self-reliance, all resting on the foundation of Matsés tradition. Thank you to the teachers, the students, the Matsés, and the Kambo frog for helping me reclaim my internal power through love. 

Kambo Helped Me Realize My Patterns of Self-Sabotage and Confront Them

Eric – Toronto, Canada

What did you learn about yourself and the medicine as you went through training? 

I learned endless amounts. I learned about my limitless strength, my own capacities and capabilities, and how much love and energy I have to give the world. I learned and experienced new aspects of the medicine, the emotional and spiritual aspects of the experience, the benevolence, and grace of the frog. It activates and potentiates dormant aspects of yourself and your psyche, allowing you to dive deeper into your own personal practice, as well as showing up for the world, and stewarding the medicine according to tradition and proper practice.

How would you describe CKPT training in your own words?

A boot camp in psycho-spiritual facilitation. We were a battalion, embarking together on a process of personal healing and collective development. We shared an immense number of beautiful experiences and together moved through this with grace, strength, and levity. It is a chance to clear yourself out so that you can show up in the world, show up for others, reconnect with your heart, and embrace life again to the fullest.

What would you like others to know about training with RHC and Kambo?

If you’re serious about individual healing and collective development, you can do this. Those with a firm will can thrive in this course. Kambo is a medicine that shows up for you as much as you show up for it. If you’re willing to dig in, to explore the unexplored, and to honor the tradition and the lineage — you will find a beautiful opportunity to do so here.

When did you train, and what impact did you see on your business/lifestyle since then?

I trained in the December 2020 course. It was an absolutely beautiful experience. My life has become more simple, more open, more full of love. I have a toolkit and core confidence that I can offer to those who hear the frogs’ call. I have strength and resolve that can carry me through everything. All of these were honed and developed throughout my time with the RHC practitioner course.

How would you describe your relationship with Kambo after training?

Deep and intimate. We started off as acquaintances, knowing about each other after a few brief encounters. Then kambo became a teacher, guiding me through a process of healing and education. Then we became friends, embarking on a journey to do beautiful work together. Now we are allies, we share the same energy, united on a path of service for those who hear the call. This relationship was fostered and deepend throughout this course, and I’m deeply grateful to have this connection now.

What were the three most important lessons you learned during training?

    1. Open Your Heart. Make space for love, give that love to others, the head is a tool but not the master. Surrender to love for self, others, and the world.
    2. Respect the Tradition. We stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us, and those who have cultivated the practice. There is wisdom in the tradition if you are willing to listen.
    3. You Are Powerful. You can do it. When you think you can’t, you can. March onward, head held high, speak your truth and embrace the path in front of you. It will be beautiful if you continue on.

What did you learn during training that you didn’t know about yourself or/and Kambo?

I had a very personal and profound recognition of the true power of Kambo. At first I had imagined and experienced it as solely a physical process, which is of course one aspect. But I was amazed to open up and experience the emotional and spiritual facets of Kambo, which have become more powerful and more important for me in stewarding this medicine, and something I am proud to offer now to those who feel called. For myself, I didn’t realize the extent that I was getting in my own way. The way I was sabotaging myself, the way I was keeping myself small. And through the work here, layer by layer, these psychic obstacles were overcome and turned into strengths.

What was your favorite part of the training, and why?

The community. The group of individuals who came together to do this work on themselves so that they could go out and do this work for the world. It is a profound experience to be in the presence of warriors like this, a tribe and community dedicated to inner cultivation and personal mastery. It was beautiful and humbling to be in the presence of these individuals, and it’s something I will keep with me moving forward. The warrior’s heartbeats as one heart.

Why did you choose to train with RHC, and how it supported your journey as a healer?

The respect for the tradition, the appreciation of indigenous wisdom was a driving force in my decision to move forward with this. As this world and this work find its way to more people, it is imperative that we refer to the traditions, to the wisdom of those who have stewarded this medicine for generations, and to do honor to the power of the medicine. 

I have come out of this with a core confidence, an impeccable technique, and the wisdom of intense experience all behind me now, and for that I am deeply grateful. 

I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone who wants to become an authentic and well-trained Kambo practitioner.

Aubrielle – Portsmouth, RI – USA

How to work with it from a place of love and gratitude.  These were skills I was able to cultivate with the training in this course.

The main thing I learned in training that I didn’t know about myself before this course, was how disconnected from my heart I was.  I came into this course having done a lot of deep healing work, so this was surprising for me, but I was able to see my ego in a new light through the process of this training.  I was given the opportunity to see how I wasn’t energetically embodying a lot of what I knew in my mind because I hadn’t healed the energy connected to the pain of my past.

I was able to work with this energy through the intentions I set for each ceremony, and have been experiencing a lot of amazing shifts in how I feel in the time following I recently completed the Rainforest Healing Center kambo certification course over the first week of December in 2020.  The best way I can describe this course is life-changing.

Not only did I gain all of the necessary skills to be a well-trained kambo practitioner, I also went through a personally transformative process over the span of the 6 days in training.  I was able to heal my heart in ways I didn’t even know needed healing.  By the end of the week, I was feeling a new level of joy and unconditional love for myself and others.   

In the 3 months prior to taking this course, I had sat in 7 kambo ceremonies, so I was familiar with the medicine.  However, it was in this course I felt I connected with the spirit of the frog in a way I hadn’t experienced yet.  Being able to do many ceremonies over a span of consecutive days gave me a chance to go deep with this medicine, and create a solid working relationship with kambo and the frog.  We were taught to be humble and feel gratitude for all the frog was doing to help us heal, and over the course of the training, I felt myself embodying this energy more and more.

There were 7 of us in the course, and most of us stayed together in an Airbnb, having never met each other before.  We joked that it was like the Real World show for kambo training.  The major difference though, was that despite spending most of our time in the Airbnb doing deep healing work with little sleep and often fasting for many hours for ceremonies, we all got along perfectly well.  There was so much love shared throughout the week.  We started as perfect strangers but ended the week as a “family” (friend-family).  We all felt this was a testament to our teachers, the energy this course was created and facilitated with, and the power of love from the medicine.  The life-long friendships that were created were definitely my favorite part about the course, along with the many times we laughed so hard we cried.

The three main things I learned in this course were how to be safe at all times when working with kambo, how to work with intention every step of the way during preparation and facilitation of every ceremony, and how to connect with the medicine through the mind, body, and spirit so it could work its magic.  Kambo is a truly magical medicine to work with when we are willing to surrender to it and allow it to bring the body back into balance.  Ceremonies can be intense, but the frog also offers an element of ease and grace- a gentleness- when we know the course, as I’m integrating the work done with the medicine.  Working with my classmates added more layers of healing as we came together collectively as the week progressed, often connecting with and overlapping each other’s intentions.  

Coming out of this course, I feel very confident in serving kambo to clients and I’m feeling very honored, thankful, and excited to work with this medicine going forward.  I feel super blessed to have found this course and to be able to work with the instructors we had- they were incredibly knowledgeable and truly poured their hearts and souls into training us.  As hard as we were working as students, they were working even harder as teachers to be sure we received everything we needed to succeed as practitioners.

I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone who wants to become an authentic and well-trained kambo practitioner.  I have yet to see any other course rival the depth of knowledge, the preservation of the origin and tribal traditions of kambo, and the commitment to training from a place of pure love.  I’m forever thankful I had this opportunity to learn and grow, and look forward to my continued work with this medicine. 

I Felt Safe and in Good Hands

Amanda – Honolulu, HI – USA

I have never been pushed to my limits in my entire life as much as I have during the Kambo practitioner course.  As painful as it felt at moments, I say this in the absolute best way possible.

Without that “tough love” and growth I earned because of it, I never would have healed within myself, and been confident enough to intimately know this medicine and in turn, carry it over to others as well.

I really feel as though Omar has so much experience with this medicine, and such a special and close relationship with it, that allows him to accurately and SAFELY share it with people, especially students and those wanting to work with it.

I felt safe and no doubt in good hands the entire week I was with him.  It was a priceless experience he brought to me. Furthermore, when he wasn’t in “teacher” mode, I also felt as though he really cared about me as a person, and as a friend. It still brings tears to my eyes thinking about it. 

Kambo Physically and Energetically Cleaned My Body to the Purest I Have Ever Been

Chelsea – Washington D.C, USA

My Kambo Journey

Once upon a time, there was a woman who was strong and confident on the outside, but on the inside, she was sad, confused, and miserable in her carefully curated life. I’m not sure at what point I lost my sense of self. Could it have been in the womb while my mother inflicted herself with drugs? Could it have been in early childhood when I was teased for looking so different from my peers or a host of other childhood experiences that left me feeling alone and insecure?

The years of trauma I endured, one abusive relationship after another, alcohol abuse, and a painstakingly low sense of self-worth, perhaps all of the above? What I do know is that the culmination of events, compounded by pain and fear had me living a lie. I didn’t know who I was or why I felt so empty. No matter what I  accomplished…..and the accomplishments were many, I never felt like I was worthy or that I belonged…..anywhere. I would vacillate between arrogance and insecurity, at times making me feel like I was going crazy. Yet somehow I knew that deep within the depths of my soul… somewhere the real me resided waiting to be freed from all the doubt and self-induced misery. I wasn’t ready to give up, I still had a will to survive this journey called life, I still had hope.

Year after year, I performed. Year after year, I felt increasingly disconnected from what others would consider an amazing and prosperous life, yet I had no satisfaction, no peace and only brief moments of fleeting happiness. When it all became too much, I turned to western medicine. I pursued therapy for a time, which in all honesty helped me very little. It was cathartic to have a sounding board but ultimately did not provide me with any real clarity as to how I could transform my experiences and desolate feelings into positive affirmations and self-healing. When therapy and self-medication through alcohol, drugs, and sex did not ease my burden, I sought psychiatry and prescription drugs, which further desecrated my mind, body, and soul. My stint with psychiatric medications was short-lived because they made me feel even more emotionally and physically ill, and wasn’t the point of all this to feel better? I was completely lost and did not see a way to soothe my dis-ease.

Although I was miserable on the inside, I always was able to maintain a healthy image or rather a façade to those looking in. After years of depression and anxiety, of agony, I came to my breaking point and at that moment the universe stepped in. I had suffered deep emotional loss and was grieving the loss of both my parents and the health of one of my children. At first, I started noticing signs and synchronicities which in retrospect may have always been there, but perhaps I was so distracted by the trials and tribulations of life I never noticed. The universe had begun speaking to me in code, God must have decided that I had endured enough and it was time for me to wake up to a consciousness that I never imagined possible. At first, the nudge was subtle, but my friends will tell you there is nothing really subtle about me hence, I barely noticed. When the nudge didn’t get my attention, my whole world began to implode. My family, career, finances, systematically began to crumble. It was at this point that I had to make a choice, do I continue to perpetuate this charade or leap into the unknown? I had been getting the message from the divine to leap, but the fear of loss of control (or what I thought I was controlling) of my life was crippling until one day I just said “fuck it”! “I am so fucking miserable and I have nothing to lose”. I cried for like 10 days straight, quit my job and booked a spiritual retreat to Mexico (see the review and info about the retreat here). This decision would change my life forever.

“Kambo opened my heart, coursed through my veins and found the most broken parts of me and emotionally, physically and energetically cleaned my body to the purest I have ever been. ”

Immediately after I quit my job and booked the retreat I felt a huge sense of relief. I had been getting messages that there was something for me in Mexico but had no clue what is was. The retreat specialized in Plant Medicine and I had been researching Ayahuasca and how it had transformed so many lives. I was hopeful that it could provide the clarity and healing I so desperately needed. Little did I know that the Ayahausca ceremony while profound, would not be the impetus to my miraculous healing. Rather, an introduction to an Amazonian tree frog known as Kambo or Sapo would be the connection that would put me on a path to a beautiful healing journey to self-love and acceptance that I never imagined possible.

The beautiful Spirit of Sapo saved my heart and soul. While it does have the ability to heal physical disease and sickness, it saved me from myself. Kambo opened my heart, coursed through my veins and found the most broken parts of me and emotionally, physically and energetically cleansed my body to the purest I have ever been. Whereas before I could not truly connect with others, I found that through my connection to the frog, I was able to tap into a part of me whereas I had been given clues to its existence but I had never actually experienced with such clarity.

You see, I had been given a gift by the universe to feel the energy, see energy, hear “messages”, possessed a strong “inner knowing” and had the ability to tap into other people’s energy to heal sickness and emotional wounds. This revelation was a lot to comprehend and you could say that I was still a skeptic, but the message from the Spirit of Sapo came through loud and clear that this was a path I was supposed to pursue. I no longer ignored the messages I was receiving because they were leading me somewhere…I could feel it. This is when I began to research Kambo more closely and what it would take for me to become a practitioner.

There were several organizations worldwide that offered Certified Kambo Practitioner training courses but I was looking for something special. I wanted an authentic experience, rooted in tradition.

I was being called to the jungle, but COVID was going strong and it was difficult to find any healing centers that were open let alone, providing training. That is when I came across Rainforest Healing Center. I read the entire webpage in one sitting and knew that this was the place for me. After I had my interview with Omar and Ximena, I was sure that this was the organization that I would choose for my Kambo training. Omar teaches the Matses way and I feel it is very important to uphold tradition and maintain authenticity. It was the best decision I ever made.

“Upon the completion of this training, I felt happy, confident and ready to embark on a journey to bring this beautiful healing modality to communities that would not necessarily be open to alternative medicines to treat emotional trauma, sickness and disease. ”

The training consisted of 6 distance learning sessions on theory prior to the 8 day practical training days of intense healing and connection to the medicine. The online training portion was very helpful to get prepared for working with the medicine. Upon commencement of the practical training, we started working with the medicine on Day Two and all I can say is wow, it was incredible! We worked with the medicine 4 times a day, 2 times dosing and 2 times receiving. This allowed me to connect on a very deep level to myself, the medicine, universal energy, and the people I was working with. It amplified my intuition, cracked open my heart chakra, third eye, and crown. It was like I could touch someone’s hands, sync with their breathing look into their eyes and see into their heart, mind, and soul…seriously…wow!

This deep spiritual connection allowed me to assist my clients/cohorts with their intention setting and delve into their core issues where healing was needed the most. Being spiritually attuned also helps significantly when facilitating the actual ceremony. Imagine that you are the conduit for the facilitation of the medicine. The medicine already knows what it needs to do, we learn that our role is to maintain safety, set and setting, and use our connection with the Spirit of Sapo and the client to facilitate the purge/release of energy and toxins trapped within the body.

Upon the completion of this training, I felt happy, confident and ready to embark on a journey to bring this beautiful healing modality to communities that would not necessarily be open to alternative medicines to treat emotional trauma, sickness and disease. I am so grateful for this experience on so many levels. It brought me to a sense of closure on issues that I didn’t even know I had. It helped integrate my body, mind and soul, transformed how I view who and what I am, showed me how to love and accept myself and most importantly it illuminated my heart full of love and gratitude for the medicine, myself and a beautiful connection to everything around me.

Of special note are the beautiful people. Each and every one of them was integral in my healing journey. I love you Kelly, Eric, Brie, Alyssa, Kat and Walker so very much and am blessed to have crossed paths with such an amazing group of like-minded souls!

Special shout out to Omar Gomez, my mentor and guide, Jenn Jensen, my soul sister, mentor and guide, and Ximena Garcia, my light, my guide, I am forever grateful for this new journey and mi Familia de Sapo!

I Left this Program Crying Tears of Gratitude

Alyssa H. – Portland, OR – USA

I knew this program was going to be incredibly hard work, and now I understand why I was drawn to take this training over other options.

The way Omar teaches this program specifically targets each person’s trigger points. Alongside Kambo working it’s magic, I have got to say that if I was never pushed to my breaking points, and if no one would have been as hard as they were on me, I never would have come out of this with an open heart and gratitude that I have today. It was truly the combination of Kambo and having every single one of my limits pushed physically, mentally, and even spiritually.

There were days I didn’t know how I would make it through to be completely honest, but those days were what birthed an incredible shift inside of me where I learned what it really feels like to build a connection with the medicine, where I learned the true beauty of gratitude and surrender and most importantly It gave me the opportunity to claim my POWER back.

I left this program crying tears of gratitude on the airplane home as I reflected on this experience.

My heart goes out to this training forever, I recommend it to the people who are here to do REAL work and go deep. If that is what you are looking for, this is an experience that will change your life. You will come out of this program honored to share the healing this medicine has to offer with other people, especially during these times. Omar is an amazing teacher and you will get exactly what you NEED from this training.

I am so excited for those of you who are ready to take this step on their path as a Kambo practitioner and I am sending you all so much love.

Ready to work with Kambo?

If you have further questions or need of assistance please reach out to our admin directly at Kathleen@rainforesthealingcenter.com, thank you and we look forward to working with you.

Thank you very much!