About Isolation Diets

Sit in isolation with a Master Plant to receive its wisdom and healing powers

Isolation Diets

An isolation diet is a traditional way to integrate specific Master Plant Medicines or ‘spirit doctors’ into the physical and energetic body in an uninterrupted space. The reason for isolation is a simple one – when the prepared brew of plants or roots is consumed, the physical and energetic body becomes very ‘delicate and sensitive.’ This state is necessary in order to shift and release energy or blockages on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Because of this sensitivity, the dieter should avoid all distractions of and interactions with the ‘outside world’ including music, reading material, and interaction with other people. Isolation in a rainforest setting provides a natural environment conducive to introspection, rebooting and re-energizing the body and mind free from the stresses of the populated world.

In true traditional fashion, the Shaman or dieter would trek deep into the jungle and pitch a tent or sleep under the canopy of the trees, living within the conditions of the rainforest for the duration of their dieta. Based on this tradition, we’ve carefully placed each tambo in a private, isolated location within the jungle canopy while still providing solid protection from the elements. These tambos are equipped with access to a private composting toilet and a private bathing area on the ‘quebrada’ (stream) that runs through the property. This provides an optimal environment for the dieter to work with the Teacher plant.

What to Expect

During the isolation diet, the only interaction should be with the curandero administering the diet. No interruptions are allowed such as music or reading. It should be treated as a silent meditation with only a paper and pen to jot down thoughts, introspection, awareness, ideas, and experiences. Traditional rules are followed that those only who have previous experience dieting can deliver food, services, and support for the dieter.

The dietas consist of 3 doses of plant medicine – one dose per day for the first three days. After the three doses are administered, the dieter may choose to join in the group’s Ayahuasca ceremonies at their discretion, but we discourage any interaction with others until the diet is broken. The Dieta is ‘broken’ after the morning of the 9th day by consuming a pinch of salt and fed a hearty meal.

Meals During Isolation

Sanango diets require exclusivity while working with the body. No leafy greens, vegetables, or fruit may be ingested for the duration of the diet. Three very simple meals a day will be delivered to the dieter and the Shaman will visit periodically to check on his/her progress and to provide support when needed. However, if one decides to partake in a ceremony, only two meals will be served that day, the last being lunch.

Expect bland, simple meals during your isolation diet. The purpose is to eliminate any potential adverse interactions between your nourishment and the master plant. You may feel weak, light headed, disoriented during your isolation. This is normal and to be expected.

Dieta During Isolation

Restrictions while working with plant medicine goes beyond meals as everything has a specific chemical and energetic signature that may cause complications or adverse effects.

No soaps, perfumes, toothpastes, bug spray, or deodorants may be used from the time the diet is initiated until it is broken. It is essential that the skin’s pores are not obstructed by any type of substance throughout the diet, especially with Uchu Sanango. The Master Plants need full unobstructed access to one’s whole Being. The only element that may be applied to the skin is water, though the Shaman may prescribe leaf and flower baths when necessary. Frequent bathing is essential to keep one cleansed of the toxins being released and it can be very refreshing.

If you have chosen to participate in one of our dietas, you will be interviewed by our intake administrator, Shaman or shamanic apprentice, and our on-site administrator upon arrival at Rainforest Healing Center. At the end of the interview the Shaman may tell you one of the following:

  • You are ready or not ready for the dieta that you would like to be administered.
  • According to the advice of the Master Plant spirit, you would be better served by participating in a different dieta that is more conducive to your healing process. This may mean you are not yet physically, mentally, or spiritually ready for the specific Master Plant diet you originally selected.
  • In addition to the Master Plant that you have chosen, you will need to diet on a different plant prior to the selected diet for preparation purposes. (For example, it is common for people to start with Ajo Sacha before moving to a Sanango diet).
  • The dieter must form a relationship with the plant Medicine they have chosen to work with. They must scrape the roots and bond by singing, praying, or forming a dialogue. It is important to have a clear intention (reason) when going into any plant Medicine work.