Ayahuasca Retreat Application

What to expect in the application process

We take your health and safety seriously. Our application process is thorough, detailed and asks you to share some very personal, private information. We do this to ensure that our recommendations and those of our Shaman are correct, and safe, for you.

After submitting your application, one of our senior staff members will review it and coordinate an video conference meeting with you to ask and answer any questions. Once the interview is complete and we feel you're a good fit for the medicine retreat you're applying for or assigned, we then request a deposit payment from you to secure your spot.

Thank you for taking the time, thought, courage and energy in devoting yourself to this process. By actively participating and committing to this process you aid us, and the medicine in serving your needs and intentions.


April 4th to April 14th

May 23rd to June 2nd

June 20th to June 26th

July 11th to July 21st

October 3rd to October 9th

November 14th to November 20th

December 9th to December 15th





Application Form

We highly value your privacy and secure this form using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

My Contact Information

Please include area/country code
Please include full name, phone, email, relationship to you, and country of residence.

I am Interested in:


The first 30 days following a Master Plant Diet must be followed diligently. It will consist of no alcohol, recreational drugs such as marijuana, any type of sexual behavior (including masturbation), or any kind of spicy foods. No pork is to be consumed for 6 months following this diet (as pork is considered to be the lowest vibrational meat on the planet in several cultures.) This is all to give the body sufficient time for the Master Plant medicine to integrate within and heal on all levels; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. When done correctly, Master Plants will become a allies and increase the quality of your life.

All Sanango dietas require single occupancy stays.

If one decides to cease the diet before completing the 30 day commitment properly, it can cause some health issues. In Spanish this condition is called, “cruzado” or “crossed.” This includes confusion, flu-like symptoms, UTI, bladder infections, and tactile sensitivity. When the body’s energy field is wide open from working with these roots, and one decides to quit the diet and enter back into society abruptly, the energy imbalances can be very disorienting and may take another strict diet of the same plant to restore balance.

Read more at Dieta and Preparation (opens in new tab)

Retreat Dates & Accommodations

*** Single occupancy is required for Master Plant Diets *** *** 7-Day Aya Retreat Guests must have a Master Plant Diet added to qualify for single occupancy. *** *** 11-Day Aya Retreat Guests single occupancy available as space permits. ***

Ceremony Questions

Medical Questions

The following questions may be painful for you. It is not our intention to relive any traumas/pain you may have lingering or affecting you, but it helps us understand what self-healing modalities we can undertake or prepare for you.

We also ask these questions because you'll be working in a group, usually with strangers, during our retreats and courses. We want to ensure a safe, healing space for all participants involved.

If you do not feel comfortable describing the associated medical detail, please write how you feel. If you'd prefer to only discuss it over the phone or Skype during our follow-up, then please note that in the details field.

Thank you so much for your honesty, and understanding.
(e.g. bees/spiders/snakes/mosquitos/etc.)
Please note: we have a very extensive list of some medications that conflict/counteract with the vine. For your safety, please provide us with an accurate list and we can discuss possible options available.

General Questions

Please be aware that we share this magical place filled with indigenous species of flora and fauna who call the jungle 'home.' We do everything in our power to love and respect all living beings. We ask that you respect everything by admiring their uniqueness and beauty from a distance. Please do not touch unless otherwise guided/instructed to do so.

Our jungle surroundings are stunning, untamed, and full of wildlife at Rainforest Healing Center, and we want to maintain these characteristics by being as non-invasive and eco-friendly as possible.

This means we walk around the property on paths that are often muddy and, at times, a little steep. We use natural cleaning and hygiene products. We take bucket showers with beautiful, medicinal, clean creek water. We are mindful of conserving water and all resources. We have compost toilets for recycling our nutrients for the farm.

We are located 3KM from the Iquitos—Nauta highway. You will have to hike to the center on foot path with, hills as well as wooden bridges for crossing quebradas (streams). We've experienced heavy rains so it can be very muddy and slow going, and will be best undertaken in rubber boots.

We are not near any town, store, or, well... anything! We pack in everything that we will provide you for your retreat, and nothing more. We do have some emergency medical supplies, but you are responsible for taking care of your essential items prior to arrival.

Please be as specific as possible. This information is very helpful for our Shamans.



  • PayPal (includes additional fee to cover PayPal fees (3 to 4.5%))

Ayahuasca Retreat Pricing

7 day/3-ceremony or 10-day/4-ceremony Ayahuasca Retreats
  • Shared-Occupancy Bungalow: 7 days for $1777 or 11 days for $2666
    • If paying by PayPal: add 3 to 4.5%
  • Single-Occupancy Bungalow: 11 days for $2999
    • If paying by PayPal: add 3 to 4.5%

Add Ajo Sacha to your retreat package for an additional $350 and take full advantage of the medicinal plants' potency.

Add Sapo/Kambo to your retreat package for an additional $150 for deep cleansing of your body and frog medicine healing.

Master Plant Diet Retreat Pricing

11-day Master Plant Diet Retreat
  • Single-Occupancy Bungalow $3222
    • If paying by PayPal: add 3 to 4.5%
  • We also offer custom retreat plans. Please inquire at info@rainforesthealingcenter.com

Add Ajo Sacha to your retreat package for an additional $350 and take full advantage of the medicinal plants' potency.

Add Sapo/Kambo to your retreat package for an additional $150 for deep cleansing of your body and frog medicine healing.

Deposits hold you place in the retreat and is non-refundable 30-days prior to the retreat date. Full retreat amount is due 30-days before retreat date.

We will be emailing you an invoice with the final total, and required deposit amount.

Please add our email, info@rainforesthealingcenter.com to your address book so as not to miss any communication sent to you.

If you do not hear from us within 3 days of submitting your application, please contact us via:

Please click only once and be patient as the next page loads. Thank you!

Please enter any discount codes you have to be honored at final invoicing.